Summer, summer, summer!

It’s truly unfair that the start of summer doesn’t automatically mean vacation in the way it did when I was a kid (stupid adulting), but I still have a knee-jerk reaction to the start of long summer days. In the same way that September finds me buying school supplies and seeking out cute fall clothes, summer finds me stacking up the beach reads, stocking up on sunscreen, and plotting to spend the majority of my evenings hanging out by the BBQ.

I’m in the middle of the umpteenth edit for SAFE FROM THE STORM, but this weekend I’ll be working on it from the deck, red pen in hand, watermelon smoothie by my side. Yes, there will be some glorious napping, though I really need to buckle down and get through this. Should have a Pre-Sale date nailed down by the end of next week.

Meanwhile, have a wonderful Summer Solstice, and take a few minutes to daydream about the season of beaches, camp, BBQs, and fireflies ahead.